Interview with Brandy Williams

As we continue the podcast series on co-journeying, let’s look at a ministry that helps us co-journey and build the two most important relationships many of us will have in our lives, our relationship with God and our relationship with our husbands. Today we have an interview with Brandy Williams, the founder of I am His Good Thing (IAHGT) Ministries. 

I open my laptop in my lamp lit room, climb in my oversized chair and log into the video chat. Brandy on the other side with a slicked up bun and beautiful smile logs in for our morning meeting. She is in “multitasking mode” as her focus is taken away by her sweet son. But we are ready to do this and her attention turns to the camera and we begin our early morning chat. 

Hey girl, let's get to it because I know you have a ton of things to do. Tell me about yourself.

My favorite color is pink! I have three children and I have been married for almost 15 years in April. I am an ice cream fanatic. No seriously, I like ice cream a lot! I am a writer, specifically devotionals and I write worship songs too. I believe that a good friend is crucial for the soul. My favorite scripture right now is John 15:1-9 with special attention to verse 4: Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me! 

How did your ministry, “I Am His Good Thing” come about? 

One day about five years ago, I read this verse that changed my life–”He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord”–Proverbs 18:22 ESV. I read it and thought, “wait, that’s me. I am my husband’s wife. But after all these years, am I still his good thing, or have I become his complaining thing, or his annoyed or critical thing?” 

Right then, I declared before the Lord that I wanted to be good to and for my husband. I began to see God’s word with fresh eyes and I just knew I was not supposed to keep all the things I was learning about God, my identity, and marriage to myself. So, I would meet with friends and discuss different topics, like communication, forgiveness, and sexual intimacy. 

In 2021 I felt God calling me to expand it from just my circle, to all women who wanted to see their marriages transformed by the power of the gospel of Christ. We became an Ohio recognized nonprofit in February of 2022 and we have been serving since! 

What are some of the common struggles that women face in marriage?  

This is such an interesting question, because believe it or not, no matter what ethnicity or even faith background of the women I work with, the common struggles are communication issues, identity issues and lack of intimacy with Christ. 

How does IAHGT help women address those struggles? 

We address these struggles by asking questions and listening. Each conversation I have with women, it starts off pretty much the same. They tell me the current problem they are having with their husband, and then I ask them 3 questions. 

How is your relationship with Christ? 

What does your inner circle look like? 

How is your bible study and prayer life? 

Most of the time, if not every time, their relationship with God and their connection to the body of Christ is an area that women think has no connection to their marriage, but it does! IAHGT helps them to see that their primary relationship with the King of the universe matters, and ultimately dictates how every other relationship is managed, especially between them and their husband. 

IAHGT provides women with bible studies, devotionals, and content to help them go back to the well of the Word and return to their first Love. We remind them who they are in Christ, and help cultivate a love for the scriptures. This is where the Holy Spirit does His work, and transforms women in their marriages.

 What are some practical ways women can get closer to God in their busy lives? 

There are lots of ways but three I think are important to start with are:  

Prayer Conversational prayer, talking to God all day long about things as they pop up. Consecrated prayer, taking specific time to talk to God about specific things. 

Scripture meditation and memorization Read the word and make it a point to memorize the word. This is how God transforms our thinking, which in turn transforms our lives! 

Get in community with other believers God made us a body for a reason. We need one another to grow and thrive in Christ. 

What can someone who is struggling to love and stay with their husbands work on? 

Look to God and see how He has loved you. When you really reflect on God’s unconditional and consistent love, boy does it soften your heart towards others. When you remember how much you are loved, it has a way of helping you love others, including your husband.

How do I get my marriage from good to great?

Be intentional. Invest in your marriage. Talk with your spouse and learn about them. They are not the same person you married. Pray and ask God to teach you how to love and serve one another well. 

How do we make the fire grow?

Such a wonderful question. My answer is have SEX. Yes, you read that right. Have sex, girl! Sex begets more sex. Talk about what you like, what you don't like and explore each other. If you are not enjoying sex, go see your doctor, sis! God created sex for you to enjoy too, not just your husband. 

What's your best marriage advice?

Your husband is not your enemy, stop treating him like one. Have fun and remember that you two are one. Enjoy the journey to oneness, and remember that the Creator of heaven and earth is with you. 

What are some services that you provide and how do they sign up? 

Our ministry has bible studies, pop up meetings, and events! Go to to sign up for our devotional and stay up to date on events. 

We at The Urban Christian Woman love to provide resources for you and come alongside your local church leaders. Please take a moment to check out I Am His Good Thing and also our podcast on Co-Journeying with A Spouse. Be blessed, ladies!


The Leah Complex


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