The Urban Christian Woman Blog

Restoring the Urban Woman with God’s truth for everyday life.

One with Another: A Personal Reflection on World Refugee Day
Sharon Hughes Sharon Hughes

One with Another: A Personal Reflection on World Refugee Day

Right before we threw in the towel and moved back to Chicago, an Afghan woman who I had met at our local park invited us over for dinner. Her and her husband spread a feast out on the floor of their apartment that made us feel like royalty. They prepared Qabli Palo, an Afghan rice dish with red raisins, carrots and lamb stew. I sipped warm mint tea and let each flavor-packed bite nourish my body and soul. I watched my kids dance around with their kids as the rug beneath me felt like a warm inviting hug. We shared stories and laughter and I left understanding in a new way that we needed this family as much as they needed us. Before we could serve, we needed to know the value and joy of being served.

Sharon Hughes shares her personal reflection on what it means to serve and be served with her neighbors.

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